Finding New Buildings in the Dust of the Old

With the continued and growing emphasis on sustainability in construction we could be on the verge of a radical shift in how we think about the current stock of buildings. The time may be coming when we stop planning for building replacement, and instead plan for building reuse. That in turn would significantly change the roles of designers and builders.

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How To Build A Construction Plan

Learn how to market your contractor business professionally. In depth knowledge of attracting clients with online marketing strategies and deep thinking about who you want your clients to be.

The housing industry has proceeded at a red-hot pace for several years running. An all-time record was set in 1998, when 886,000 new-site single family homes were sold. That represented a 10% gain from the robust total of 804,000 homes sold in 1997, and an 8.1% rise from the prior record of 819,000 units in 1977. Single-family housing construction accounted for $48 million of the total $125 million generated in the industry.

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Construction Honored with AGC Builders

Last night, Construction was honored to accept a Best Builders Award from the Associated General Contractors of Vermont for the construction of the $31.3 million Vermont Public Health Laboratory. There is so much to celebrate about this project – from both a construction and community perspective – and it was so gratifying to have that impact formally recognized in the contracting community.

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Ocean Cargo Still Faces Stiff Headwinds

Curabitur tristique tempus arcu a placerat. Integer venenatis, magna et lobortis aliquet, diam nibh dictum lorem, ac porttitor dolor nunc quis diam. Morbi malesuada hendrerit libero at fermentum. Praesent risus eros, consectetur eu metus nec, pellentesque dapibus sapien. Vestibulum at quam sed tortor facilisis luctus. Integer posuere pharetra semper. Sed quis velit sed neque malesuada mattis ac ut mi. Fusce nunc diam, pulvinar sit amet mi a, hendrerit dignissim nunc. Nunc est dolor, laoreet vel nibh vel, fermentum congue orci. Quisque placerat justo in vulputate faucibus. Curabitur a libero sed ante maximus tempus. Ut pharetra posuere rutrum. Aenean dapibus turpis eget congue dignissim. Quisque ex justo, blandit molestie elit et, pulvinar consequat diam.

Phasellus sit amet elit sem. Maecenas eleifend ex id magna pretium tincidunt. Nam vel venenatis odio. Sed in metus eu dui gravida elementum. Fusce vehicula mauris quis interdum consequat. In cursus est faucibus odio auctor dapibus. Aliquam interdum, lacus et euismod volutpat, enim metus hendrerit turpis, a maximus erat sem nec orci. Proin suscipit ullamcorper mattis. Sed vehicula sit amet risus hendrerit viverra. Aliquam consequat dolor non lacus eleifend congue. In neque enim, vestibulum nec posuere sed, bibendum vel elit. Fusce scelerisque euismod facilisis. Etiam sit amet nibh tincidunt, mattis nibh at, accumsan mi. Ut feugiat lacus ac quam posuere, at volutpat orci tristique.